Schaffers Mill Club - Golf Package
Schaffer's Mill Vacation Rental and golf Package
Vacation Rentals at Schaffer's Mill
Schaffer's Mill Endorsed Accommodations (SMEA) is the exclusive on-site rental management company for vacation rentals at the Mill. SMEA has direct access to the management of all on-site activities, events, and amenities which enables us to deliver the best possible experience for your vacation rental.
The Golf Course
Of course one of the most popular summer activities, playing golf, is located right here on the Schaffer's Mill property. Schaffer's Mill Golf & Lake Club was recognized as the #1 Best New Private Course in California by GolfWeek magazine in 2008, and the accolades have continued to come in ever since. The Johnny Miller & John Harbottle design weaves its way through the towering pines as if painted with an artist's brush, with two distinctly memorable nine-hole experiences.
Inquire for a custom vacation rental and golf package.
Schaffers Mill Club reserves the right to change price and offer at anytime. Prices and offer are subject to change without notice. is not responsible for errors posted in this golf package.