Great Day Golf Travel
Phone: 417-234-9640
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Great Day Golf Travel was formed to help groups plan memorable golf trips to Branson, Missouri, and beyond. Our goal is to help send you on a golf trip you will remember as special, or even once in a lifetime. Travel is a great educator. Going to places far from our own home allows us to learn about different people, cultures, foods, climates, and landscapes. Travel also allows us to learn that, despite our wonderful differences, people across the globe are more alike than we may realize. Golf has a unique way of throwing us all together to help teach us that lesson.Eric Austin founded Great Day Golf Travel in 2018 after retiring from the insurance industry. He has lived in Missouri most of his life, but now he and his wife, Amy, enjoy spending most of the winter months seeking temperatures above 60 degrees. He loves to travel and will go anywhere to play a good golf course.
The truth about his golf game: Not long off the tee or particularly dangerous with his irons. Thinks he’s a sharp dresser, but color-blindness proves to be a liability.